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Meyers Manx Tow'd Tow Bar

The Meyers Manx Tow’d was designed to be easily Tow’d behind your vehicle. Over the years, many of the tow bars have been lost and misplaced.

Seeing the market need, we've introduced the turnkey Meyers Manx Tow'd Tow Bar so you can once again tow your Meyers Manx Tow’d safely to where you need it.

Designed to take into account the angle of tow hitch and original Tow’d design, the tow bar fits into the factory location and is made using only the best parts available in the market. When extended, the Tow’d can easily be hooked up and tow’d like a trailer. When not in use simply slide it back in under the front nose area.

Using a heavy-duty 5,000 lbs Bulldog coupler with a pin-style securing mechanism and hinged ball socket, the Meyers Manx Tow'd Tow Bar offers a tight fit with a visual indication of proper closure around the ball – all to ensure a quick, easy, and secure hookup.

The draw bar is made of 2 1/4 0.120 DOM 4130 grade material and seam welded and sleeved onto the hitch. Once done we machine them down in the lathe to ensure they fit inside the factory Tow’d Tube.


  • 16lbs


  • 44" x 3" x 3"

Vehicle Compatibility:

  • Meyers Manx Tow'd
